“Ali di pietra” Marisa Zattini
Tresigallo | Italy
The exhibition “Ali di pietra” (Wings of stone) by artist Marisa Zattini, is part of the program of the “Metaphysical Days” organized in the town of Tresigallo, Italy. It is on an eagle’s feather that the artist proposes in the calligram that is grafted onto an ancient 19th-century letter, chosen as the image of the exhibition. A tale that becomes word and then sign – as in the calligram that opens the exhibition – in a reciprocal motion for this ‘mirror double’ of refined execution.
A transmutation between shadow and light dense with incessant references that are reinforced even more in the alternation of some starry hourglasses, “Fragilis mortalitas”, a symbol of Time and Infinity: a real-time and an unconscious one that knows no time. An exorcism against the end, a memento mori, in the end, made up of significant signs: small star-asters that move thought into a different and universal dimension.